Saint George

February 22, 2025

Nino from Cabadokia (Saint Nino) and the Great Martyr George (Saint George) were born in the beautiful City of Cappadocia with limesone and chapel caves.

Virgin Nino came to Georgia holding a cross tied up with her braid to bring Christianity and fulfill her duty in front of God and people of Iberia.

Legionnaire George, who had seen the oppression and torment of Christians by Roman Conquerors many times, decided to-hinder the violence of Eemperor Diocletiane and had become the worshipper of eternal truth.

Legionnaire George was severely tortured. Queen Alexandra, terrified by excessive cruelty of the Emperor threw out her crown and worshiped the martyr rider of the Christ.
Executioners could not break him. They thought they had buried him with George resurrected, conquered the evil with his sword.


Saint George – Amiran Shalikashvili (younger)
Saint Nino – Nino Lordkipanidze
Emperor Dioklitiane – Luka Chkhaidze
Queen Alexandra – Salome Philishvili


Play by Revaz Mishveladze
Staged by Amiran Shalikashvili
Music Consultant, compose – Gogi Chlaidze
